DIY Openwork Christmas Trees: A Festive Paper Craft

The holiday season is a time for creativity and crafting, and what better way to add a touch of festive cheer to your home than with do-it-yourself openwork Christmas trees made of paper?

These delicate and intricate decorations are not only beautiful but also easy to create, making them a perfect project for both children and adults. In this article, we will guide you through the steps to create your own openwork Christmas trees using paper, allowing you to add a unique and personalized touch to your holiday décor.

These two completely different Christmas trees are made according to almost the same principle: on a sheet folded in half or several times, you need to draw, starting from the fold, the contour of the half of the Christmas tree and cut it out. The larger the cutout area, the more elegant the Christmas tree.

Materials You’ll Need:

  • colored or patterned paper
  • scissors
  • craft knife (optional)
  • pencil
  • ruler
  • glue
  • decorative elements (optional): glitter, sequins, etc.
  • needle and thread (for the second Christmas tree)

How to make an openwork Christmas tree №1

1)Take a rectangular sheet of green double-sided paper and fold it in half lengthwise:

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

2) Cut along the fold into two halves:

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

3) Take one half and fold it in half. Expand:

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

4) Bend the sides to the fold:

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

5) Without unfolding the sheet, fold it in half vertically:

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

6) And fold in half again. You have a thin book.

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

7) Starting from the main fold, draw half of the Christmas tree with a stand on the folded sheet. In one place, the pattern should rest against the opposite edge of the workpiece, so that the Christmas tree has a fold 0.5 cm wide there (shown by an arrow).
In the middle of the contour, draw small elements of some kind of pattern (those places are shaded in the photo).

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

8) Cut out the folded Christmas tree without cutting the fold on the right:

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

9) Carefully unfold the workpiece. If you did everything right, then you will get four Christmas trees fastened together:

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

10) All folds should be facing you. So that the craft does not fall apart, glue the tips of four Christmas trees.

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

You will get such an openwork Christmas tree made of paper:

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

How to make an openwork Christmas tree №2

This Christmas tree is a little more complicated, as it has a more curly “carving”. To make such a Christmas tree, take 3 sheets (or four) of thin green double-sided paper.

Take the first sheet and fold it half the width of your future Christmas tree.

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

2) Just like in the first option, draw half the outline of the Christmas tree so that its middle is exactly on the fold of the sheet. Apply a pattern (it is shaded on the sample with a pencil). You can come up with your own pattern. Do not forget about the Christmas tree stand: it is drawn at the bottom of the picture in the form of a stump.

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

Do the same for the other two openwork blanks, using the first one as a stencil. All blanks should be the same. Cut out. To cut out the pattern, use nail scissors or a craft knife. Expand the details:

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

5) Stack them on top of each other. Take a green thread with a needle and sew the details of the Christmas tree with regular basting exactly along the central fold.

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

6) Spread the “branches” so that they are at the same distance from each other. Here is such a green Christmas tree you got!

paper christmas tree tutorial (c)

Your do-it-yourself openwork Christmas trees are now ready to be displayed. Arrange them on a mantel, place them on a shelf, or hang them from a string or branch. Their delicate and intricate design will create a festive ambiance and capture the spirit of the holiday season.

Tutorial author: Zagainova_alina especially for HOBBYMO.

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