Corrugated paper roses are suitable for filling a chic festive bouquet. The more buds you make, the more magnificent the composition will be.
In this lesson, using the example of three roses of different widths, it is shown how to make beautiful flowers from corrugated paper with your own hands in an easy way. Perhaps, roses are the most popular interior items that are made by hand. They always look advantageous, and it is easy to find rolls of beautiful paper to make them.
Materials for making roses:
• thin wire – sufficiently rigid;
• pink and green corrugated paper – you can combine pink paper of different shades or take a darker burgundy roll;
• scissors;
• glue;
• green teip tape or corrugated paper for decorating a thin stem;
• dense thread.
How to make crepe paper roses step by step
1) Prepare the most delicate paper in a beautiful candy color to create buds. The density (hardness or thickness) of the paper must be at least 160 g / mm2 (this indicator is usually indicated on the label). It should be possible to further stretch the parts, and it is the material of this density that allows this.

2) To create buds, prepare strips about 8 cm wide, the length is arbitrary. The longer the stripe, the more magnificent the rose will turn out. Also, during the modeling process, you can combine 2-3 stripes, depending on this, you get a more lush bud.

3) We fold the prepared strip into 4 layers and make identical cuts on one side with scissors. Not reaching the end of the strip by about 1 cm.

4) Round the top of the fringe with scissors. Each segment will become a small petal.

5) Stretch the inside of each petal with your fingers so that they become concave, boat-like.

6) Prepare wire and glue, it is better to use hot glue. Lubricate the tip of the prepared fringe with glue and start winding it around the wire, periodically adding a drop of glue.

7) Cut a rectangle from green paper, but shorter. Its width is about 8 cm, and its length is about 10 cm.

8) Make a fringe, but do not round off each process, stretch it with your fingers.

9) Wind the green blank onto the pink petals to beautifully frame the rosebud. Also, use hot glue.

10) To decorate the stalk, that is, wire, prepare green teip tape or thin strips of the same corrugated paper.

11) First, tie a dense thread at the base of the bud so that the flower opens slightly, then wind a thin strip of corrugated paper around the bud root and stem. Prepare additional small leaves.

12) Glue the leaves to the stem. The more layers you use to create the buds, or the longer the prepared strips are, the more magnificent the roses will turn out.

13) Make the required number of buds and collect them in a bouquet. Corrugated paper roses are ready!

The author of the photo tutorial is Natali_ya30, especially for HOBBYMO.