We suggest making a very bright corner bookmark, following this instruction. This is not just a bookmark is Smesharik Nyusha, which all fans of the famous series know.
– pink and red paper;
– markers;
– glue;
– scissors.
How to make a bookmark in the shape of Nyusha
1) To make the bookmark itself in the form of a corner and also Nyusha’s body, prepare a large square sheet of pink color. In the future, we will modify it to a circle, because this is exactly the shape that needs to be shown in order to copy Smesharik. Start by folding the square in half diagonally.

2) Lower one corner down, clearly joining it with the opposite side. Iron down the paper.

3) Next, bend both sharp corners of the triangle, smooth them out, and make them perfectly symmetrical.

4) Using a saucer, compass, or freehand, draw a circle on the resulting corner. Cut out the circle, but so that the all structure does not fall apart.

5) Из белой и красной бумаги вырежьте детали для мордочки знаменитой модницы Нюши. У нее алый ротик, большие глаза и нос пятачком.

6) Turn the round corner over so the blank side is facing you. On the pink circle that is in front of you, you need to create the appearance of the famous cartoon beauty. Glue on the eyes with eyelids, nose and mouth.

7) Add some small details with a black marker. Draw fluffy eyelashes and pupils. You can draw the mouth more clearly, and also highlight the nostrils on the snout.

8) Make blanks for braids, hooves, and ears from red and pink paper. All these details are shown in the photo. Therefore, there is no need to describe each of them separately. Draw the texture of the hair on the braid and attach a daisy clip.

9) Add all the details into place. Now we have a beautiful Nyusha, who is very similar to her animated prototype.

Author Anka.Rukodelie, especially for HOBBYMO. Copied is prohibited, more here.