Squid Game, the thrilling Netflix series that has taken the world by storm, has captivated audiences with its intense storyline and intriguing characters. One of the most enigmatic characters from the show is the Frontman, the leader of the mysterious organization behind the deadly games. With his haunting mask that conceals his identity, the Frontman has become an iconic figure. If you’re a fan of Squid Game and want to create your own paper Frontman mask can be a creative and engaging DIY project.
Embrace the Frontman Persona. Once your paper Frontman mask from Squid Game is complete, put it on and step into the role of the elusive Frontman. Whether it’s for a costume party, a cosplay event, or just for fun, wearing the mask can be an exciting way to embody the character and showcase your creativity. You can also use it as a prop for a Squid Game-themed photoshoot or a social media post to share your love for the show with fellow fans.
PDF template of Frontman Mask for paper or cardboard assembly. The digital PDF template is ready for printing. To assemble the model, you need to print this file on thick A4/Letter paper or cardboard.
1) Manual with the locations of parts (PDF, 3 pages). Also, the universal manual is at the link.
2) Template (PDF, 3 pages).
For personal use only. More details are at the link.
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